I heard some rumors yesterday that Bush's "plan" is to attack Iran in the next few months - probably once WMD are "confirmed" there and/or following another 9/11 type attack (by Iranians this time) that the neo-cons would orchestrate and the media would then sell to American public via the "owned" mainstream media
What really freaked me out most about the rumor was that the source stated that under Martial Law there would be no November 2008 presidential elections - that Bush/Cheney would remain in power indefinitely and that congress could not prevent this happening. This source said that because of the "revisions" Bush people managed to sneak into law there is currently nothing to stop him from doing these things.
I am trying to do some research on the truth of what I heard - but wondered if it's just me who is feeling "very afraid" if this really is possible. I believe the Bushies can also, under Martial Law, start rounding up "disinters" and putting us into FEMA - run "concentration camps". I don't mean to go off the deep end here, but can he really to all this? Especially the part about suspending the elections and any transfer of power!
Would congress beginning the impeachment process help to prevent this scenario from happening? Would the military and National Guard still have to take orders from him - or, worse yet, wouldn't these terrifying powers be then be held by Dick Cheney?
I am going to keep trying to find out if this stuff is really true. If so, we are really in deep shit - as in CIVIL WAR!
Marina, believe me, you are far from the only one who's worried about this. I would recommend getting in touch with Ron Paul's suppoorters, the ACLU, MoveOn.org and find out what they have to say about it. If you're interested in learning more about the conspiracy theory, they David Icke and Alex Jones have plenty of material about it. Google them.
Thank you - I will and I have! The more I learn the scarier it gets. These people are really evil and it looks like the web is so thick and powerful I sometimes wonder if it is already too late.
At this point what I'm doing is reading and learning all I can - and speaking with everyone I know. America and the world have got to wake up to what's happening.
"Something's happening here . . . what it is ain't exactly clear . . ."
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