Friday, July 25, 2008

KEYS TO RECOVERY - Finding Meaning

...and when He knew for certain only drowning men could see Him, He said all men shall be sailors then until the sea shall free them... Leonard Cohen, Suzanne

I "discovered" existential philosophy in the late 1960's at the tender age of 18, starting with the work of "Beat" writers Kerouac, Ginsberg and others, I followed the thread - only half comprehending, but sensing some profound truth anyway - through Sartre and Bouvier to Camus and eventually stumbling around in Nietche, and others much too heady for my comprehension at that point. I was reading on my own, out of desperation to find some explanations for the seeming meaninglessness all around me. I all seemed very important at the time. Then came Bob Dylan and then the psychedelic mystics - I found some kindred wonderers and wanderers and life unfolded as it would.

Over the ensuing years, the “key” to life’s puzzle evaded my attempts to understand or connect with a tangible "PURPOSE" - an explanation for my own (or anyone’s) existence. Nothing I tried out - or tried on - made any difference in my life. Not devouring the writings of eastern and western enlightened ones, not the elusive “soul-mate” that perhaps would make me whole, or vivid sexual and sensual explorations, not my music, not the drugs - and certainly not the relief and welcome oblivion my loyal companion, alcohol, provided day and night . . . at least there was that!

What I sought in vain was "spiritual connection" - but I certainly would not have used the term then. But in 1978, at the age of 32, I had a personal and conscious "experience" of this connection. An abiding awareness and certainty that it did, in fact, happen has remained with me these past 30 years, and yes . . . this experience has made a profound and lasting difference in my life.

It came, unexpected, when I, now completely naked and alone, faced the bottomless “pit” – a void so black and empty that I, literally, abandoned all hope. As I leapt, hopeless and desperate, into nothingness, I knew it was all over . . . At that instant, “the void" became everything . . . connecting to me, trembling and awestruck - like an unplugged electrical appliance whose cord had somehow found and connected with a live socket! It was as if I was, literally, drowning (the great “waterboarding” known as “Surrender”!?!) and reflexively clawing for something, anything . . . to save . . . me . . . The Unknowable . . . found . . . Me . . .

"...and when He knew for certain only drowning men could see Him, He said all men shall be sailors then until the sea shall free them... "

Leonard Cohen, Suzanne

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Watch the video - Faces of Violence - featuring Ellen Bukstel's beautiful and haunting song:

"You're not Better Than Me"


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jerome Corsi (in May 2007) on Bush presidential "War Powers" directives

This clip - posted to "youtube" over a year ago brings our situation as "Free Americans" into sharp focus. A few muffled voices trying to sound the wake-up-call to Americans about this administration's self-awarded "war powers"! How could our elected representatives in congress (Democrats too!) have let this atrocity happen?
A few weeks ago, on July 4, 2008 I watched the fireworks show over our small town's football stadium. As a loudspeaker blasted out patriotic music (Stars & Stripes Forever, God Bless America, etc) to accompany the heart-stoppingly beautiful display of skyrockets overhead. I got the usual goosebumps - hell, I love this country too! None of these traditional songs, however, elicited the kind of fervent response from the crowd that occurred when post 911 country music hit "Proud to Be an American" was played. Young and old, people sang and shouted out the refrain again and again - . . . "I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW I'M FREE . . . and I wept for the loss of innocence - and for what I knew in my heart, in that moment, was a lie.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Think Progress » Nadler: In a ‘just system,’ Bush ‘would be impeached.’

I guess he is saying that it’s okay to just accept that we don’t have a "just system" and that Bush et al will just get away with their high crimes! Lets just "elect Barak Obama" and the problem will go away -right? WRONG!

Whatever happened to accountability?

This is becoming more alarming by the day. I expect the next move will be a “terrorist” attack on the US or Isreal “by Iran” - then a declaration of war, and martial law - then, guess what? NO ELECTIONS - as in “NATIONAL SECURITY”. I am afraid impeachment is the only way to prevent (maybe) what may already have been in motion.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

YouTube - No Bravery in the Iraq War

This breaks my heart.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008



Could Bush Really Declare Martial Law and Stop Elections?

I heard some rumors yesterday that Bush's "plan" is to attack Iran in the next few months - probably once WMD are "confirmed" there and/or following another 9/11 type attack (by Iranians this time) that the neo-cons would orchestrate and the media would then sell to American public via the "owned" mainstream media

What really freaked me out most about the rumor was that the source stated that under Martial Law there would be no November 2008 presidential elections - that Bush/Cheney would remain in power indefinitely and that congress could not prevent this happening. This source said that because of the "revisions" Bush people managed to sneak into law there is currently nothing to stop him from doing these things.

I am trying to do some research on the truth of what I heard - but wondered if it's just me who is feeling "very afraid" if this really is possible. I believe the Bushies can also, under Martial Law, start rounding up "disinters" and putting us into FEMA - run "concentration camps". I don't mean to go off the deep end here, but can he really to all this? Especially the part about suspending the elections and any transfer of power!

Would congress beginning the impeachment process help to prevent this scenario from happening? Would the military and National Guard still have to take orders from him - or, worse yet, wouldn't these terrifying powers be then be held by Dick Cheney?

I am going to keep trying to find out if this stuff is really true. If so, we are really in deep shit - as in CIVIL WAR!