Over the ensuing years, the “key” to life’s puzzle evaded my attempts to understand or connect with a tangible "PURPOSE" - an explanation for my own (or anyone’s) existence. Nothing I tried out - or tried on - made any difference in my life. Not devouring the writings of eastern and western enlightened ones, not the elusive “soul-mate” that perhaps would make me whole, or vivid sexual and sensual explorations, not my music, not the drugs - and certainly not the relief and welcome oblivion my loyal companion, alcohol, provided day and night . . . at least there was that!
What I sought in vain was "spiritual connection" - but I certainly would not have used the term then. But in 1978, at the age of 32, I had a personal and conscious "experience" of this connection. An abiding awareness and certainty that it did, in fact, happen has remained with me these past 30 years, and yes . . . this experience has made a profound and lasting difference in my life.
It came, unexpected, when I, now completely naked and alone, faced the bottomless “pit” – a void so black and empty that I, literally, abandoned all hope. As I leapt, hopeless and desperate, into nothingness, I knew it was all over . . . At that instant, “the void" became everything . . . connecting to me, trembling and awestruck - like an unplugged electrical appliance whose cord had somehow found and connected with a live socket! It was as if I was, literally, drowning (the great “waterboarding” known as “Surrender”!?!) and reflexively clawing for something, anything . . . to save . . . me . . . The Unknowable . . . found . . . Me . . .
"...and when He knew for certain only drowning men could see Him, He said all men shall be sailors then until the sea shall free them... "
Leonard Cohen, Suzanne